ow to become a social ceo

How to become a social CEO

 – a guide to strategy and tactics for leaders who communicate on social media

How to become a social CEO is the leader’s guide to effectively using social media such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook as communication platforms. The book offers leaders insights into how to create a personal social media strategy as well as advice on how to tactically position yourself as a trustworthy and transparent CEO who communicates with your important stakeholders with authenticity and a personal touch.

The book is rich in simple how-to-steps and easy-to-understand models and exercises to help CEOs and top-level directors get started with social media.

How to become a social CEO,
Published March 2, 2020
E-book, 70 pages, $ 9.99

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About the author

Troels Johannesen is a Danish communications advisor and expert in social media. Based in Copenhagen, he helps companies, organizations and CEOs use and understand social media in communication and thought leadership.

Troels Johannesen can be booked for keynotes and workshops on the role of CEOs on social media.



+45 31319065

employee advocacy linkedin

Troels Johannesen er strategisk kommunikationsrådgiver og hjælper ledere og organisationer med at kommunikere på tværs af medier og med digital interessevaretagelse og lobbyisme. Han er forfatter og ekspert i toplederkommunikation på sociale medier. 

Skriv til tj@troelsjohannesen.dk eller ring på +45 31319065

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